MaskPicture example including cPictureCanvas with compositing functionality ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 04/09/1999 three-2-one interaktive Medien GmbH Author: Jšrg Pressel, MaskPicture is an example how to composite one picture with an alpha-channel (=transparency) picture onto another picture. Try possible effects with included sample picts or use your own pictures. Class cPictureCanvas (well, not the first one with this name, I guess) is the heart of this little app and does all the necessary stuff: call EnableDrops to make the canvas accept a picture or picture-file dropped on it. call ChoosePicture to show a standard file dialog and open a picture call CalcCompPicture(back as picture, fill as picture, mask as picture) to substitute the current picture with the composition of "fill" with alpha "mask" onto "back". Additional features: - you can drag the pictures from the canvas - standard macintosh bevels to show the margins of the canvas This is example is freeware. You can use it and customize it the way you want. Please include my original copyrights in any improved version and send me a copy. Any comments appreciated! Contact: three-2-one interaktive Medien GmbH SŸdwall 22 47798 Krefeld Germany Fon 0(49)2151 319450 Fax 0(49)2151 3194509 three-2-one interaktive Medien GmbH is a multimedia company located in germany, lower rhine area near DŸsseldorf. Our core business is conception, graphic-design and programming of Internet-Sites and CD-Roms.